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Aluminum side effects| Can Aluminum Make You Sick?

aluminum in food Alzheimer dementia found in water

Aluminum :  A toxic metal linked to Alzheimer disease  and brain deformities perhaps increasing the risk of Parkinson’s and dementia .    Aluminum pots and pans that break down while food is being cooked in them.  Aluminum is also added to breads to prevent spoilage.  You can also ingest aluminium through your pores by wearing antiperspiration deodorant that clogs your pores and prevents you from sweating.  Not such a great idea anyway if you’re doing some exhaustive labor as sweat allows you to cool down and in theory could cause you a heat stroke.  

drinking out of aluminum cans are bad for you

Aluminum widely used  in cans that hold soda, sports drinks, coffee and even milk!  Prolonged use of drinking out of aluminum can be a serious health risk.  Better off buying drinks that are stored in glass. UPDATE ALERT AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST MORE HEAVY METALS TO WORRY ABOUT IN THE OCEAN.

chem trails aluminum chemtrail poison dead birds plants
japan sun

Have you heard of chemtrails? These are  streams of white smoke that jets and planes leave behind them across the sky. Turns out that these chem-trails are actually caused by aluminum powder burned in the atmosphere that eventually falls back down to earth and are inhaled and mixing into the soil where you could digest them or drink the chem trail aluminum powder.  *UPDATE* The west coast of the North America has had heavy cloud seeding off the coast and no coincidence the longest drought in over 40 years.  The Jet stream from Japan was sent up to Canada and Alaska. Theoretically making Alaska warmer pushing polar vortexes down into the states creating frigid temperatures on the mid and east coast of the USA. Why would they do this? Japan’s 3 melted cores are now in “China syndrome” broke containment and hitting ground water, releasing over 150 different radioactive isotopes and burning hotter than the SUN!  

Is Aluminum bad? YES! Can aluminum make yo sick? it sure can!

aluminum foil food wrapped cooked in it is harmful

Aluminum is also added to drinking water and is used as a clearing agent. Studies have linked Aluminum in tap water as a big reason for A.D.D. Attention Deficit Disorder in kids causing lower test scores and the inability to pay attention in class.  The World Health Organization recommends aluminum to be under two hundred micro grams.  Test water samples across the USA have found concentrations of aluminium commonly double and up to 87 times more than what the W.H.O. suggests. Also food stored in aluminum foil is not recommended  and is one of the most common ways of storing food. Even worse cooking with the aluminum foil as you can see fumes steaming out of the foil that is a toxic gas.  Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer it makes sense because the lymph nodes are not far from the armpit and many people with breast cancer have used antiperspirants.

aluminum is toxic poison

 How do you remove aluminum from your body?

calcium magnesium iron vitamin supplement for aluminum

Stop aluminum from building up in your body with vitamins Take calcium, magnesium and iron supplements this will prevent aluminum from gathering up in fatty deposits in your body where they are stored.

These 3 metals calcium magnesium and iron are good for your bones calcium is actually absorbed better with vitamin d and magnesium.

chemtrails obama hope cope smoke poison water air

Even our president admitted that it would be wise for the american people to invest in a water filter.  Sometimes you can’t even taste bad water don’t play Russian roulette with your tap water and invest in water filtration system click here Not only to remove aluminum but the hundreds of other possible containment’s, Viruses bacteria and parasites that can be found in unfiltered drinking water.  The people wonder if Barack Obama will have the cohones to tell the people about chemtrails and press the EPA to do something about it.

seaweed wakame salad healthy removes metal in the body

*UPDATE ALERT* “FEB 14″ Seaweeds and ocean fish especially from the pacific ocean are coming back positive for radiation contamination. The 3 melted reactors in Japan since 3/11 have been spewing out hundreds of tons of water everyday.  Beware the so called experts tell you how big the ocean is and that radiation dilutes. The ocean has been a dumping ground for the nuclear industry since the 50′s.  Radioactive heavy metals do not disappear like Lead 210, some forms of Plutonium have a half life over 2 million years. The concentrations are only increasing so they will never in our children’s children lifetime disappear.  As hurricanes, winds and regular storms rain down upon land you will also have hot rain that will make your Geiger counter go off check you rain 24 hours later for most accurate result.   Best to get mushrooms and seaweeds farmed indoors. Eating more green leafy vegetables  including seaweeds and mushrooms can actually pull out these toxic metals from your bloodstreams  and allow them to be expelled from the body.  “They would also pull these elements out the air so beware of outside grown”Wakame salad can be tasty and will do the trick considered a super food with other health benefits curing acne and lose weight.

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