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Cascadian Farms Organic Food A Health Risk? Manhatten Project

Cascadian farms Is Located In Washington State. Which Is Considered The Most Radioactive State In America. 

Cascadian Farms is a popular organic product you can find in most the big grocery stores like Publix, Windixi, Walmart.  I’ve been buying Cascadian farms product for years! Unbeknownst to the toxic radioactivity that could be lurking in my Cascadian farms cerealCascadian Farms was purchased in the year 2000, by cereal food giant General Mills. Generall Mills is known to be at the forefront of preventing GMO labeling.

To be crystal clear I would always choose organic food over a GMO,  Though some people get this idea that since a food is organic that it’s free of radiation? Know where your produce is being grown! I tell friends to be safe buy produce from the southern hemisphere which has allot less radioactive contamination.  

hanford cascadian farms

The reason why Washington state is considered to be dangerous from radiation is the mess they call Hanford!  The three counties that surround Hanford have the highest incidence on Anencephaly in the western hemisphere.  Babies have a 2500 % chance of developing the brain outside of the skull or missing parts of the brain.   Anencephaly is always fatal.  The officials in charge refuse to interview the families of these children as soon as the parents mention Hanford.

The government’s excuse for not interviewing the parents of these kids is the suffering of losing a child.  Since it is so tragic and all. Convenient excuse. Missing brain is a taboo subject for the nuclear industry.  The reason why is because the family of the mutated child is going through such a traumatic time and they don’t want to bother knocking on doors.  But you know what most of these parents want answers they want to know why.  They want to prevent this from happening to other kids. These parents do want to talk to the experts and get to the bottom of it.

Hanford is where the first nuclear bombs were developed! So there has been some mistakes and leaks that they the department of energy have not been able to control.  The Colombia river which supplies the great city of Seattle has carried some of this radiation from Hanford.  You can find over 40 miles of open pit radioactive wasteland at Hanford.  They cover it with dirt as a solution. Well documented pictures in the video above show radioactive barrels being dumped in open trenches covered with dirt.  This would be considered illegal activity to dump radioactive barrels with virtually no containment. But the government thinks it’s ok. In the 1950′s Hanford dumped millions of gallons of highly radioactive isotopes into a nearby river. These nuclear by products are left over from the old days of building the first nukes that were dropped on Japan on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

cascadian farms

Cascadian Farms is 100 miles north-west of the nuke waste dump Hanford.

On top of the old nuke dump waste contamination. Washington state also has the double whammy of being located on the pacific coast, which is ground zero for Fukushima contamination.  No studies available to the public shows how far inland the radioactive salts can travel.  Washington state was known to be one of the rainiest areas in the world. For now those rains have stopped coming in from the pacific.  Many people suspect the new drought is intentionally created to stop radioactive rain from dropping on the west coast.  Now I do not have the equipment to tell you definitively the levels of potential contamination in the Cascadian farms food product.  Common sense tells me though I should not eat food that grows near a nuclear waste dump. 

To be exact! Hanford is 100 miles south-east of Cascadian farms.  So it’s not exactly next door. Though tributaries and winds could carry some pollution to the Cascadian farms.  Hanford has been leaking radioactive waste for half a century!  Just like any agricultural product! I would avoid if I knew that food was grown near any nuclear reactor in the country.  The government does not make it easy to connect the dots! With no food label origin in the books you got to solve that puzzle yourself looking for clues. 

Geiger counters will only give you some idea if a food product is really hot.  Ideally you would have to dry out the food product and grind into a fine dust to get a better idea and even then it would be hard to detect some of the radiation.  It would be better to use a gamma spectrometer to look for radiation contamination in food stuffs.  The government is checking sorta though they not going to tell you or me.  The Gov. covered the nuclear problem by raising the levels allowed in our food by 1200 %.  

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