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Chicken From USA Reprocessed In China Or Was That Rat?

Chicken Raised In The United States Gets Sent To China For Reprocessing Then Sent Back To The Good Old USA!

Yummy huh! Well it saves money apparently. NWO and Corporate greed squeezing yet more life force from our poisoned planet. American Chickens being sent to China for reprocessing then shipped back to USA. China cleansed with who knows what? The Chinese essentially jacked american chickens and replaced with rat, dog, cat or some other made up meat?

chicken china

By the Americans sending its chickens to China companies can now lower standards on chicken cleaning procedures.   What you wonder about is the long journey from the USA to China? Sending those chickens back and forth on the pacific ocean to america on ships.

we could be looking at scenarios where the chickens were killed several months before actually arriving back from china.  

You know corporations are not going to fly the chickens back and forth. You have to wonder about the freshness of the chicken product.  Will the processors be sending live chickens across the pacific seas using desalinization on ships for the long journey? Or will these chickens be killed in the United States then frozen. The frozen chickens sent to China then thawed then treated with some bleach solution or worse.  Then the Chinese refreeze our chickens and send them back? Does not sound too fresh.  

how to tell if your chicken is from china

If the meat is grinded up chances are this chicken has been treated with TBHQ to prevent spoilage.  TBHQ is an oil byproduct similar to butane and is allowed  in the american food supply.  You cansee the list of products that contain TBHQ and see the side effects. 

CHICKEN NUGGETS, PATTIES, BREADED CHICKEN, And It Could Even Go Beyond That In The Future.  

We already know that whole chickens are dumped in a chlorine bath.  Bleaching any microbes and bacteria. Though you wonder of what remains.  Doing a search in your area for local small farms so you can see for yourself the conditions the animals are in would be a good idea.   Do research to see where your food come from? Is it being produced near nuclear reactors or bodies of water that have had contamination like lake Eerie or the pacific coast with radiation from Fukushima or the gulf coast with experimental gas eating microbes that are now eating human flesh in fresh water lakes in Florida and other southern States. 

China has had heavy industry with American investment for cheap labor in China.  It is said that more than half the lakes and rivers in China are too toxic to drink.  Plus the frequent bird flu epidemics! Beginning with the H1N1 strain mutating several times and resistant to more and more medicine. I wonder about those protein and produce grown with this water. What Heath effects that presents to this food being sold abroad. Will the FDAEPA raise the permissible limits of toxins in our food to make the cost of doing business cheaper?

China says its exports have stricter standards than its domestic citizens.  I find that kind of hard to believe. 

update   Getting Some Responses Back.

Perdue Chicken, Please Be Assured That We Will Continue To Do All Of Our Processing For PERDUE® Chicken Sold In The United States Right Here In The United States, Using Our Own Chickens Grown On American Farms. ~Kimberly

Chicken of the Sea Hi, Thanks for reaching out to us. Please know that we only sell seafood products, not chicken. To learn more about where our seafood comes from, visit the Know Your Seafood section of our website:    

Personally id rather take my chances with a Chinese chicken then a Fukushima fried fish.. Though to each their own.

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