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Bunya Nut Festival Stops War A dinosaurs favorite food and mine too!

bunya nutBunya related to pinecones puts out a gigantic source of nuts! Taste better than pine nuts over 100 nuts per pod that can get over the size of a beach ball. Aboriginals from all around Australia would stop war to go to the Bunya festival. The nuts smell heavenly roasted and used to make pancakes and breads. These large nuts are full of flavor and the shells of the Bunya nuts are used to flavor meats and used in BBQS. I have less than 5 bunya nut trees available. I donated 2 bunya nut trees to Fruit and Spice park down on the west side of homestead near Krome Ave. Definitly worth the trip if you never been to the fruit and spice park they have 35 acres of many rare tropicals. Your not supposed to eat the food off the trees however anything on the ground is fair game and i always find a nice lunch there. Want to grow some Bunya? Only 7.00 each for this rare tree. bunya nut tree

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