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How To Stop Coughing With Cold & Flu Remedies

how to stop the cold cough and flu

Flu season is full in effect you may have been like me and avoided getting a flu shot.  Perhaps you did get a flu vaccination and still came up with a sore throat.  So now your sick now what? The best thing you can do is get your immune system a boost.   You need to provide some shock and awe to the flu bug! it is now time to declare war on the cough take out some vitamin C pills in large doses.  I do recommend that you take vitamins on a full stomach! You could feel nausea swallowing pills on a empty stomach.

Vitamin C is one of the few vitamins that you can take large amounts of without harmful side effects!  Take 6 thousand milligrams with your breakfast in the morning and 6000 milligrams after dinner.   Vitamin c has proven effective in melting tumors away and putting viruses in check.

benefits of zinc vitamin

The next vitamin you need when you’re at the store is Zinc.  Zinc has antiviral properties as well and proven to shorten the duration of a cold.  take 2 pill of zinc in the morning with your vitamin c and two in the evening after dinner.  Some shellfish like Oysters contain high levels of zinc and is a crucial in building up your immune system again.

benefits of echinacea get rid of the cold cough flu

The 3 pill you take combined with the vitamin C and Zinc is echinacea more than just a pretty flower Echinacea another solid immune builder to get your body feeling healthy! You combine these 3 together and you will feel better the very next day.   I felt sick trying a bunch of other remedies and they all did not work and was coughing for a month straight.

When i get the cough my asthma tends to flare up and have problems breathing.  You get this dry cough what you could do for that is

  • Get a vaporizer  and add salt to the water this will help ease some of the symptoms  of the cold.
  • It is also a good idea to gargle salt water in the morning and at night let that salt water  contact with your throat.
  • Go outside and get some fresh air  think it is a good idea to air studies have shown that air that’s in a house is twice as bad as the air that is outside.  You could open up the windows and invest in an air filter.
  • Perhaps what is causing your allergies is dust in the house if you have rugs in the house put down some hard flooring instead.
  • I found getting some exercise my cough would disappear while working out also when i wake up the cough was not there so it must also be the way i am breathing.
  • Studies have shown they way you breathe can control your cough.  You want to breathe slowly in through your nose and slowly out your mouth. Do not take in or out air too deeply as they will cause an urge to cough. Try to cough through your nose.

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