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Independent Radiation Food Test Reports Worldwide USA Pacific Asia Europe

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Why test food for radioactive contamination?

Because governments have deceived the public about food safety radiation levels worldwide.

They first release an article like the one below. I am using the EU as an example here.

“EU boosts food import controls after Japanese nuclear disaster. The European Union is to step up controls on food imports from Japan in the wake of the nuclear accident at Fukushima – but stressed there was no evidence that consumers in the region were at risk from radiation-contaminated food.

The EU ruling insists that all products from these prefectures are tested before leaving Japan and said they will be subject to random testing in the bloc. Japanese authorities will have to provide a declaration confirming products do not contain radioactive elements – called radionuclides – that exceed EU maximum levels. The Commission highlighted radionuclides iodine-131, caesium-134 and caesium-137.”


This makes you feel warm and cosy inside, because you think your government is looking after you and your family. This article “EU boosts food import controls after Japanese nuclear disaster” is a clever deception because they then proceed to quietly raise the EU maximum safety levels by 20x for caesium-134 and caesium-137. Governments worldwide have used this same tactic.

They then tell the public everything is testing below safety levels, nothing to worry about!

Here is another example, Japan this time.

If you do purchasegood food testing radiation contamination equipment, look at the old pre Fukushima radioactive food contamination safety levels, as a possible guide. If you can purchase a none contaminated food item do so, as any level of radioactive food contamination poses a risk.

 So what does this mean?

Radiation contamination bio-accumulates over time, particularly in meat, dairy and seafood grown and harvested in radiation contaminated areas. Ingested radiation from contaminated food radiates body cells with high doses of radiation for long periods of time.

You can’t rely on governments, so it is important for your family’s health and safety that you take the time and effort to research this subject. In summary, for your family’s safety, only purchase food and goods that are not from contaminated areas. Also, research dietary systems that help remove or protect your body from radioactive contamination.

An Oncologist in Japan has been doing ongoing research on the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site workers, and found he is getting very good results with Liposomal Vitamin C. It appears to be healing a lot of radiation damage to their bodies. Liposomal Vitamin C is a combination of vitamin C and lecithin. This combination seems to improve the up take of vitamin C by 80%! It maybe a good idea for you and your family to research taking this to fortify against the effects of radiation. He has been trying to encourage the Japanese government to educate their people about this treatment.

Making your own Liposomal Vitamin C, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2eqfiTxDwg&feature=related

If you are living in Southern Hemisphere, it is suggested at present,  to eat locally grown  food. A lot of  Northern Hemisphere food is safe to eat. It is just hard to tell what  is and what isn’t, without government or private testing. The dynamics of the situation suggests that Southern Hemisphere grown food is more likely to be less contaminated.  No significant detections have been made in any locally grown food, that has been tested so far here, at our testing lab in Australia. Be careful of food products labelled “Made from Australian and imported ingredients”.

Further Reading

Even low-level radioactivity is damaging, http://www.sc.edu/news/newsarticle.php?nid=5214#.UKlCJYbAHov

According to the Petkau Effect long term low level radiation can potentially be more dangerous than a short high dose.

Food contamination fears still persist in Japan, and will for decades. This short video by Jamie Williams of the New York Times, clearly explains why private food testing has become a necessity to protect families, and children in Japan.

“Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” Alexey Yablokov, Vasily Nesterenko and AlexeyNesterenko. Contributing Editor, Janette Sherman NY Academy of Sciences, Volume 1181, 2009. 5,000 Slavic language studies reviews, over 1,400 cited.Yablokov Chernobyl book.pdf

Future of nuclear power, a financial and environmental assessment. 

Fukushima a Technological Disaster, or Crisis In Governance? Professional decontamination experts shocked by Japanese attitude to foreign assistance. Japanese food testing and decontamination procedures, plus radiation monitoring equipment reliability brought into question because of systemic corruption.


Latest International Reports Of Radioactive Isotope Contamination Of Food Items

This is by no means a complete list. If you know of a reported detection that is not on this list please lets us know by posting a comment.

NOTE: A lot of food and environmental detection reports tend to concentrate on Cesium detection. This is because it is relatively easy to test for, and detect. If Cesium is present in a test result, there is a possibility that other types of radioactive isotopes are also present  but not reported. Fallout is a dirty mixture of isotopes. It is not just Cesium. Some of the other isotope contaminants particularly the dangerous Alpha emitters, need more specialized and expensive equipment  to detect their presence.

Ingested radiation from contaminated food or water, radiates body cells with high doses of radiation for long periods of time. This means any ingestion of radioactive isotopes increases risk to ones well being. Children and pregnant women are far more sensitive to the effects of radiation. This very informative video, that is just 10 minutes long, discusses the damage very small amounts of ingested Cesium can do to children. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9d3I3S99Dc&feature=player_embedded

Click on country name to see country location reports

(You can also find these reports here “Radiation Food Lab” at Enviroreporter.com)

This will make it easier to find the latest reports. The most recent reports will also be added to the
comments section,  as well as the country lists. Why test food for radioactive contamination?

Click here to read important reports you won’t find in the main stream media!
JapanUSACanadaSouth Korea
AustraliaNew ZealandThailandChinaEnglandEuropeRomania
SwitzerlandGermanyBelarusArctic OceanPacific OceanRussia Irish SeaOcean Dumping

USA (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)6th December 2013 – Milk Cleveland, Ohio USA.

Big detections of Iodine-131 in Cleveland Ohio milk in February 1990. Why?
Radioactive Potassium K40 is in all living things.

19.11.2013 – Fukushima fallout damaged thyroid glands of California babies.
“This presents a severe challenge to Dr Wolfgang Weiss of the UN and WHO, who stated last year that no thyroid cancers could result from the Fukushima disaster as the “doses were too low”. How does he explain the 80-fold increase in this normally rare condition?
Or rather, when will he admit that the entire scientific model that underpins his views is fraudulent? And that nuclear radiation is – roughly speaking – 1,000 times more dangerous to human health than he is letting on?”


19.10.2013 – US Pacific Coast Seaweed Shows Fukushima Cesium Contamination!


These values converted to the more common bq/kg are:
Cesium 134: 8.14 Bq/Kg
Cesium 137: 8.88 Bq/Kg
Cobalt 60: 3.7 Bq/Kg

They also tested nori sheets from a market in Chiba prefecture Japan.

“One of two Japanese nori samples from a Chiba Prefecture market contained 1.1 pCi/g of Cs134 and 1.7 pCi/g of Cs137. (That’s 41 and 63 Bq/kg, respectively.) The other was nondetect for these isotopes.”

Cesium 134: 41 bq/kg
Cesium 137: 63 bq/kg
Cobalt 60: none detected


10.10.2013 – USA Nuclear Power Plant “Rooftop Grabs” reveal picture of widespread fallout over US.
It also proves authorities we’re well aware of the danger here at home but were unwilling to issue warnings or advisories (rainwater, milk, green leafy vegetables) so that the American public could take precautionary measures
From the NRC FOIA documents: an example of an ‘unscheduled radiation release’. Since Fukushima fallout was not a result of activities at US nuclear plants, reporting was done on a voluntary basis.
From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 6) the brutal truth: “…licensees do not have to report on elevated levels if it is not due to their licensed activities.”

03.10.2013 – Alarming presence of radioactivity found by Pennsylvania in fracking waste water study.

September 2013 – Amchitka Island, Alaska,Biological Monitoring Report 2011 Sampling Results
A lot more radioactive contamination has been released into the air and Pacific Ocean, from the Fukushima nuclear site, since this study was done in 2011.

24.09.2013 – American safety limit for the imports of Japanese food is 12 times more lax than Japan.
09.09.2013 – FDA Import Alert: U.S. bans agricultural and fishery products from 14 prefectures in Japan due to Fukushima radionuclides Import Alert # 99-33, Type: DWPE Import Alert Name: Detention Without Physical Examination of Products from Japan Due to Radionuclide Contamination.
Comment: They are not stating that they are doing this, just that they could.
29.08.2013 – Radiation monitor Green tea Tazo iced tea.
27.08.2013 – Radiation monitor Rice noodles Pad Thai Annie Chun’s.
26.08.2013 – Radiation monitor Rice Chex cereal.
24.08.2013 – Radiation monitor brown rice vs white rice.

21.08.2013 – West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation.

“Last year, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan.”


16.08.2013 – “Plume-Gate is PROVABLE. Proof is available to the public in the form of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom of Information documents.” There are lots of photo copied FOIA documents here to back up the claims in this report.

Important Extracts:

“NOAA tracked a 19 mile long radioactive cloud along the coast of Japan and on at least two occasions TEPCO measured (not modeled) radioactive plumes over 60 kilometers long.”

“Evidence of the ‘President’s source term’ and more proof that Obama’s administration knew the seriousness of the situation.”

“EPA busted for ‘rigging’ the RADNET monitoring equipment to report lower levels of radiation.”

“Moving Navy ships en masse would have been indicative that the situation was worse than Officials were willing to admit.”

“From the NRC FOIA documents: Transamerica model shows 4.5 REM to thyroid of infants in California.”

“From the NRC FOIA documents: modeling suggests up to 35 REM thyroid dose to children in Alaska and 4.9 thyroid dose to children in Midway.” (From the NRC website: .5 REM allowed to the fetus of a pregnant Nuclear Power Plant employee.)


30.07.2013 – Green tea showing elevated counts when tested with sensitive Geiger Counter.

27.07.2013 – Interview with Marco Kaltofen on how radiation spread via airborne dust particles from Fukushima. That Pacific Seafood, and food should be tested in North America and Internationally. There is also a short discussion on the Hanford nuclear site testing, and cleanup.

11.07.2013 – The American Medical Association has passed a resolution calling for the US to continue to monitor, and publicly report radiation contamination in seafood.

01.07.2013- Aircraft travel is still risky! Look at the levels of Radiation detected in the cabin of this aircraft. My understanding is you would expect around 5x ground level background in a high altitude flight. From my observations, the ground level USA background using a inspector Geiger Counter would average around 36 cpm +- 10 cpm.


13.06.2013 – Fukushima a Technological Disaster, or Crisis In Governance? Professional decontamination experts shocked by Japanese attitude to foreign assistance. Japanese food testing and decontamination procedures, plus radiation monitoring equipment reliability, brought into question because of systemic corruption.


07.06.2013 – Commissaries to sell Japanese produce again, 2 years after nuke disaster. (There is no mention in this article, what the safety levels in Becquelers are.)


12.03.2013 – Alarming Levels of Radiation allowed under US food standards! This report was presented at the Helen Caldicott Foundation Fukushima Symposium. California Grass at 14 Bq/kg Cs-134 & 137, just one of the many disclosures in this 11 minute video. Children are much more sensitive to Cesium ingestion than adults.

29.01.2013 – Study finds, Congenital Hypothyroid cases increased significantly in 5 states, located on Pacific west coast of the USA. This was caused by the Fukushima nuclear disaster radioactive iodine fallout, hitting the west coast of America.


27.12.2012 – Green Tea sold in USA from Japan

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXOm6WShbis (7 minutes into video)

20.12.12 – Walnuts Missouri USA

09.12.2012- Californian Mandarins USA (13 minutes into the video)

07.12.2012 – Iodine in water Philadelphia USA


05.12.2012 – Sunflower kernals USA

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGCgJuWzFhs22.11.2012 – Milk tests west coast USA

14.11.2012 – Food USA


09.11.2012 -Cod liver oil USA

24.10.2012 – Fish Oregon USA


30.08.2012 – Milk sampling from the Bay area March 2011 to August 2012 USA


28.08.2012 – Oranges, Grapefriut, dryied prunes, California USA

23.08.2012 – Food contamination California USA, “The Long-Winded Fallout-Generated Hotspot Phenomenon.”


23.08.2012 – Beef USA (very detail analysis)


23.08.2012 – Report of Japanese finding a higher level of food contamination in some Californian 2012 grown produce, than after bomb testing in the 1960′s. On page 3 it discuses the subject of, “The Long-Winded Fallout-Generated Hotspot Phenomenon”, which may explain why this is happening.


23.08.2012 – Milk and rain California USA


18.08.2012 – Pistachio nuts USA


15.08.2012 – Blue Fin Tuna


12.07.2012 – Prunes and Almonds California USA


28.06.2012 – Beef USA


20.06.2012 – Pacific Sea food and American Milk


04.06.2012 – Deformed fish Susi Bar

01.06.2012 – Blue Fin Tuna Pacific Ocean


29.05.2012 – Fish Oil Pacific Ocean


29.05.2012 – Fish California USA


15.05.2012 – Rain water west coast USA


20.04.2012 – Nori Seaweed from Japan purchased in the USA

10.04.2012 – Kelp Pacific Ocean


05.04.2012 – Kelp Pacific Ocean


16.04.2012 – Lettuce USA

02.04.2012 – Dartmouth scientists track radioactive iodine from Japan nuclear reactor meltdown USA


30.03.2012 – Kelp Southern California USA


21.02.2012 – Tuna off west coast USA


21.02.2012 – Very detail report on detected Fukushima fallout across the USA following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster. The reports is only looks at a short period of time, from just before Fukushima from March 8, to April 5, 2011.


07.02.2012 – Milk San Francisco USA


13.01.2012 – Fish 60 to 80% of fish catches Japan ( Second article on page)


08.09.2011 – Vegetable Joice from Japan in USA

07.09.2011 – Japanese sake purchased in USA

06.09.2011 – Japanese beer purchased in the USA

30.08.2011- Japanese green tea purchased in USA

28.04.2011 – Milk Hawaii

http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2011/04/27/radioactive-strontium-found-in-hilo-hawaii-milk/25.05.2011-Milk Hawaii


20.04.2011 – Milk San Fancisco USA


13.04.2011- Rain fall USA


13.04.11 – Pasteurized Milk California USA


11.04.2011 – Multiple locations USA


11.04.2011 – Milk Mutiple Locations USA


09.04.2011 – Multiple cities milk and drinking water USA


08.04.2011 – Strawberries, Spinach, Mushrooms Northern California USA


31.03.2011 – Iodine I-131 in rain water 18,100 times above federal drinking standards San Francisco USA


2009 – Abstract – Chernobyl’s radioactive contamination of food and people USA


Canada (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)
05.12.2013 – Canada Busted Covering Up Spikes In Fukushima Radiation.
For 22 days, a Health Canada monitoring station in Sidney detected iodine-131 levels in the air that were up to 300 times above the normal background levels. Radioactive iodine levels shot up as high as nearly 1,000 times background levels in the air at Resolute Bay, Nunavut.
It has now been revealed that data were not released from a Calgary Health Canada monitoring station detecting levels of radioactive iodine in rainwater well above the Canadian guideline for drinking water.
Criminal charges should be laid against the people responsible for these coverups. Communities in the path of these radiation clouds could have taken action to protect themselves and their children, if they had been informed how serious the situation was..
02.10.2013 – Fish tell a different story.
“Two nuclear experts who saw the Straight’s figures said the real cancer toll could be 100 times higher—or 80,000 cancers.”
“The cancer numbers also don’t include other possible health impacts from radiation in the fish, such as heart disease, stillbirths, and genetic damage to subsequent generations.”
“The Canadian Food Inspection Agency briefly tested food imports from Japan.”
“One sample of smoked bonito had 7.7 becquerels of cesium per kilo but it was allowed on the market.”
Comment: These figures don’t take into account the continual releases from Fukushima that could last for decades, or more.

02.08.2013 – Enenews poster reports elevated CPM, with a Geiger counter, in Atlantic Canadian Dulse seaweed. “With a background reading of 21 CPM, a sample of this dulse on a non-radioactive plate read as high as 260 CPM.”


28.02.2013 – Milk Canada

18.02.2013 – Milk and water supply Canada

26.01.2013 – Maple Syrup Canada


03.10.2012 – Tritium in water supply Vancouver BC

30.08.2012 – Maple Syrup Canada


13.01.2012 – Fish 16 of 22 seafood species exported from Japan to Canada. (Second article on page)


28.04.2011 – Rain water and Sea weed Canada


05.04.2011 – Rainwater and Seaweed Vancouver Canada


South Korea (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)

01.11.2013 – Radioactive cesium detected in stock feed imports from Japan.
According to a report by the agriculture ministry, levels as high as 2.3 becquerels of cesium were found in more than 85 tons of assorted feed for livestock. About 10-thousand tons of different types of feeds are estimated to have been distributed so far nationwide.
13th September 2013 – Government says seawater passes safety test.
Comment: If you read further down this article and you find this statement.
“China has banned fish imports from 10 prefectures of Japan, but accepts those from the other regions even though cesium levels are as high as 800 Bq/kg,” the minister said. “Since we import those with 100 Bq/kg or less, Korea has a stronger standard.”
800Bq/kg or even 100 Bq/Kg is not safe! Recent research is suggesting 5 Bq/kg or less occasional ingestion. It is all extra risk no mater what level. Also these tests do not tell you about any other isotope contamination that may have bio-accumulated in these sea food products.

10th September 2013 – Korea may sue Japan for mishandling leaks, of highly contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean.


Comment: These are not leaks, there has been a flood of highly contaminated water flowing into the Pacific Oceans for over 30 months now. Tepco has provided various estimates ranging between 300 to 600 tons per day.


Poster FXofTruth on enenews calculated there is far more water flowing into the Pacific, than the Tepco published estimate. This does not include the ground water flowing through the plant!

Water is poured on to a melting core at 30,000 gallons per minute – (scientific estimation during an emergency meltdown)

– 8.3 pounds is the weight of one gallon of water
– 30,000 gallons of water weight 249,000 pounds
– A short TON, commonly used in the US, is equal to 2000 pounds

ONE MINUTE – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 124.5 TONS of water. (All based on 30,000 gallons per minute)

ONE HOUR – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 7,470 TONS of water.

24 HOURS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 79,280 TONS of water.

1 WEEK – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 1,254,960 TONS of water.

ONE YEAR – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 65,257,920 TONS of water.

50 YEARS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 3,262,896,000 TONS of water.

100 YEARS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 6,525,792,000 TONS of water.

1000 YEARS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 6,525,792,000,000 TONS of water.

Now lets x3 melted cores = 19,577,376,000,000 tons of water.


It is logical to suggest, that far more water has and is flowing into the Pacific Ocean, than the estimates provided by Tepco!

06.09.2013 – South Korea places import ban on all fisheries products from eight Japanese prefectures, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Gunma, Miyagi, Iwate, Tochigi, Chiba and Aomori.


South Korea places import ban on all fisheries products from Japan’s Fukushima region.


18.08.13 – The Korea Herald “Government slammed over monitoring of Japanese seafood.” Around 3,010 tons of fish detected with Cesium contamination in Korea. Any Cesium contamination is a high risk to Pregnant women and young children, particularly girls.


02.08.2013 – 3.65-5.25 becquerel/kilogram of iodine was detected in six samples of tangleweed.


25.11.2012 – Infant Powered Milk from New Zealand in South Korea

29.08.2012 – Yogurt from New Zealand in South Korea


04.01.2012 – Sea weed South Korea


New Zealand (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)

30.10.2013 – West Auckland Radiation Monitor sent an email to the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.

“Is NZ doing any testing for radioactivity in ocean-run fish?”


They received this report.


All results were well within Codex limits, with the highest results being 76.7Bq/kg for 137Cs and 57.4Bq/kg for 134Cs.
The highest level of 137Cs detected Mackerel was 3.23Bq/kg.

The codex limit for these radionuclides is 1000Bq/kg, which applies to foods for a year following a nuclear incident.

I-131 must not be more than 100 Bq/kg.

Strontium-90 must not be more than 100 Bq/kg

90 Sr was not detected in any of the fish samples, and was not tested for in the tea samples.


A 1000Bq/kg is way to high an international standard for Cesium. Recent research is suggesting 5 Bq/kg or less for children is more realistic, but preferably none! I certainly would not be using tea that had a total of 134 Bg/kg of detected Cesium in it. In my opinion it is criminal to allow anyone, particularly children or pregnant mothers, to consume tea at these levels of contamination!

If Cesium is present it is very likely other isotopes are also!

Full Report June 2013:


Current advice to importers;


08.05.2013 – Ministry of Health, 2013, Environmental Radioactivity in New Zealand, and Rarotonga: Annual Report 2011.


25.11.2012 – Infant Powered Milk from New Zealand in South Korea

29.08.2012 – Yogurt New Zealand


Australia (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)
26.09.2013 – Detection of Radon-220 in the rain
20.09.2013 – “Contaminated seawater reaches the east coast of Australia and Indonesia,” Japan Meteorological Research Institute.
Comment: It is important to read the PDF presentation to fully understand the dynamics of this. (Link provided below)
09.09.2013 – Detection of radioactive Iodine I-129 in roof gutter moss Australia.

October 2012, Impact on Australia from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident

1. Food imported from Japan, page 22.

2. Family living in Fukushima for 150 days, page 32.

3. Vehicles and Military aircraft, including American helicopters, page 28. (They appear to be using measurements of square centimeters cm2 instead of per square meter m2, so multiply by 10,000 to get the Bequerel per square meter amount.)

4. Mutton Birds Tasmania, page 36.


Thailand (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)
20.05.2013 – Cherry tomatoes, and asparagus, to be exported from Fukushima Japan to Thailand.


16.01.2013 – Apples, pears, and persimmons, exported to Thailand


05.12.2012 – Sardines Thailand

China (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)

10.09.2113 – Ban all fish from Japan to ease fears, says Hong Kong food expert. Professor argues it is better to reassure people there is zero risk of radioactive contamination.

27.01.2013 – Tea and spinach imported to Hong Kong


8.04.2011 – Radioactive Iodine detections over 30 provincial areas and Cesium over 22 provincial areas of China


England (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)
18.10.2013 – First Tuesday Program aired on the 01 November 1983. Windscale: The Nuclear Laundry. Looks at the finding of childhood cancer excesses in a village called Seascale. 1 Mile from the Sellafield Reprocessing facility.
This 30 year old documentry lifts the lid on the shocking environmental contamination being released by the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, on the Cumbrian coast.
Way above average childhood cancers in local villages near the plant.
Plutonium found in household vacuum cleaner dust collected from local sea side cottages, on the coast near Sellafield .
1,000,000 gallons a day of liquid radioative waste following into the Irish sea, contaminating the food supply of communities all the way up the Irish and Scotland coastline, plus the North Atlantic Ocean.
Plutonium and other contaminants blown many miles inland from the contaminated coast line.
Major leaks and lots of acidents at the plant over its history of operation.
For centuries to come this radioactive contamination will affect future generations, and the environment. Criminal that they have been allowed to do this!

14.01.2013 – Tea England

Europe (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)

09.11.2013 – Radioactive Cesium Contamination Level of France Blueberry Jam. MIRMC REPORT 32
01.11.2013 – (Italy) Toxic nuclear waste dumped illegally by the Mafia is blamed for surge in cancers in southern Italy.
In secret out-of-court testimony he told lawyers how the Casalesi clan ran ‘a military style operation’ dumping millions of tonnes of waste on farmland, in caves, in quarries and even on the edge of towns.
Schiavone revealed: ‘We buried 520 drums of toxic waste in a specially dug quarry near the town of Pure Villaricca. But we also did it in very populated places, outside towns- at Casal di Principe behind the sports field at the edge of the motorway.’
He added: ‘We disposed of 70 or 80 trucks from the north, millions and millions of tonnes.
‘To clean it up it would cost the entire Italian budget for a year I think.

25.10.2013 – (Italy / Bulgaria) Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Asahi did its own checking on imported Italian blueberry spread being sold in Tokyo, and alerted the health authorities.


Place of origin: Bulgaria

164 Bq/kg of cesium-137 by test commissioned by Shukan Asahi

12.07.2013 – This very detailed 1992 fisheries report for the Channel Islands, shows large amounts of contamination of sea food in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of France. In light of recent research, I feel this report greatly underestimates the risks of consuming these levels of radioactive isotope contamination. For risk assessment they use the physics based external dose rate model for both external, and internal exposure. This greatly underestimates the risks from internal exposure. They should use the biological model for risk assessment for internal exposure. The source of this environmental contamination is dumping of nuclear waste in the Atlantic Ocean, Nuclear Power Stations, and the French De La Hague nuclear reprocessing plant.

Starting at page 13, they start to provide the actual amounts of individual isotopes detected in sea food, and the environment. In my opinion these levels of detection are very significant for some isotopes, and would pose a significant risk if consumed. These isotopes could be consumed collectively, so you will get a biological toxicity multiplying effect, plus most of these isotopes are heavy metals, as well as radioactive. It raises very serious questions about the safety of European sea food. The detected isotope levels revealed in this study, could have increased considerably since this study was completed.

06.05.2013 – Dried Mushrooms from Italy Still Found With 170 Bq/kg of Cesium-137.


13 .03.2013 – Ocean Fish in the North Atlantic, detected with Fukushima Nuclear Disaster fallout contamination in them, by German research team.

07.03.2013 – Wild boars Italy


13.11.2012 – 66 percent of worlds nuclear laboratories get Strontium 90 measurements wrong.

11.04.2011 – Radioactive Iodine in water and food supply Europe

12.10.2004 – New radioactivity limit could sink shellfish
Thousands of tonnes of British shellfish currently eaten in Europe could be banned under new international safety limits for radioactivity in food,
World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organisation – is proposing a safety limit for plutonium in food of one becquerel per kilogram.
Concentrations of plutonium and related isotopes in all the shellfish sampled by the FSA between the Ribble estuary at Preston and Kirkcudbright on the North Solway coast in 2002 exceeded 1Bq/kg. Winkles from St Bees, next to Sellafield, contained 66 Bq/kg.

Arctic Ocean (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)

28.08.2103 – Russia announces enormous finds of radioactive waste and nuclear reactors in Arctic seas.


26.08.2103 – Two nuclear generators missing in Arctic Ocean.


Irish Sea
2000 – The environmental impact of the Sellafield discharges


Time-series analyses of western Irish Sea surface sediments have shown that, while 137Cs concentrations have fallen by a factor of between 2 and 5 since their peak in 1980-81, 239,240 Pu concentrations have remained relatively constant.

Presently, concentrations of radionuclides such as 137Cs, 239,240 Pu and 241 Am in muddy sediments near the outfall are in the ranges 500–1,500 Bq kg , 500–600 Bq kg and 700– 900 Bq kg.

At the present time, typical fresh weight concentrations of 137Cs in whitefish, lobster, crab, winkles and mussels sampled in the Sellafield coastal area are 7 Bq Kg-1, 3.4 Bq Kg-1, 2.9 Bq Kg-1, 12 Bq Kg-1 and 4 Bq Kg-1 , respectively, while the corresponding Pu–? concentrations are 0.02 Bq Kg-1, 0.54 Bq Kg-1, 0.54 Bq Kg-1, 13 Bq Kg-1 and 11 Bq Kg-1, respectively (Jackson et al., 2000)

The 137Cs activity discharged from Sellafield has now left the Irish Sea, and has resulted in a significant increase in the 137 Cs inventory in the North Atlantic.


Ocean Dumping

20.11.2013 – This documentary discusses the effects of ocean dumping of radioactive waste and trash on the health of people living on the local coasts, like the Irish Sea and the Baltic Sea, which is the most radioactive sea in the world.

The documentary focuses on the British sea dumping in the English Channel Hurd Deep about 12 miles north of the Channel Island of Alderney. Alderney is also subject to releases to the sea from the French Nuclear Reprocessing Plant at Cap de la La Hague 12 miles East of the small island.


22.07.2009 – Search for Containers of Radioactive Waste on the Sea Floor


Between 1946 and 1970, approximately 47,800 large containers of low-level radioactive waste were dumped in the Pacific Ocean west of San Francisco. These containers, mostly 55-gallon (208 liter) drums, were to be dumped at three designated sites in the Gulf of the Farallones, but many were not dropped on target, probably because of inclement weather and navigational uncertainties.

Visual observations revealed that the condition of the barrels ranged from completely intact to seriously deteriorate.


From page 211 on, you will find excellent maps and photos.


1989 – IAEA Ocean disposal of radioactive waste status report


Between these two dates, an estimated 63 PBq (1.7 MCi) of radioactive waste coming from research, medicine, and nuclear industry activities have been packaged, usually in metal drums lined with a concrete and bitumen matrix, and disposed of at sea.





Pacific Ocean (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)
22.11.2013 – “Sea Snot” Explosions Feed Deep-Sea Creatures
The scientists observed the largest spikes in deep-sea productivity in 2011 and 2012, corresponding with massive phytoplankton blooms.
In March 2012, less than one percent of the seafloor beneath Station M was covered in dead sea salps. By July 1, more than 98 percent of it was covered in the decomposing organisms.
The major increase in activity of deep-sea life in 2011 and 2012 weren’t limited to Station M, though: Other ocean-research stations reported similar data.
They put this event down to global warming.
The vast majority of the large multiple species die off reports I have seen, are from Northern America, and the Pacific Ocean. This geographical evidence strongly points to the continuing Northern America radiation fallout, and Pacific Ocean contamination, caused by the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear disaster.
10.11.2013 – FVCOM Modeling Assessment of Japan’s Tsunami Event and Impacts of Radionuclides on the Pacific Ocean
Extracts :
The results suggest that radionuclides could affect the US western coast after 5 years. We also include the animations of particles at each depth here.
The results suggest that radionuclides in the deep water could be upwelled to the upper water column and then disperse over a broad wide region including the East China Sea and Japan Sea as well as the Bering Sea.
We would like to share preliminary results of our particle tracer-tracking experiments. We welcome any comments and suggestions.
Extract from Enenews:
While these models do not estimate levels of radioactivity in the surrounding waters, the assumption that nearby currents will quickly dilute the radioactive material does not appear to be accurate.
09.11.2013 – Plutonium in water leaking into ocean is “the most dangerous thing” at Fukushima, it can be carried around world and end up on a beach or in fish — Researcher: Plutonium contamination “a serious threat to environment and human health.
06.12. 2013 – Fukushima isotopes are nearing West Coast — Official: U.S. ocean water to have 100 Bq/m3 of cesium-137?
Though officials claim the cesium-137 in the ocean water is ‘safe’ for humans to drink, fish bio-concentrate cs-137 at a rate of 100 times the level found in the surrounding water. For seals and sea lions it’s up to 1,000 times.
Note that the study’s findings may be a considerable underestimation, as its results are calculated based on releases from Fukushima ending in April 2011 — yet the plant has been releasing a reported 400 tons of radioactive water every day since the disaster in March 2011.
5th December 2013 – IAEA tells Tepco to dump Fukushima into the Pacific.
01.12.2013 – Study finds giant strontium-90 release into body of water begins around 1,000 days after meltdown — Dec. 5, 2013 = thousand days after 3/11 — Graphic shows very high levels being discharged for up to 50,000 days
It is now approximately a 1000 days since the meltdowns of the multiple nuclear reactors in Japan. This study provides a possible explanation for the recent dramatic Strontium-90 detection spikes in the ground water, at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site.

22.11.2013 – Fukushima released up to 100,000 times more cesium-137 in surface ocean waters than Chernobyl or nuclear weapons testing.


“up to 60 million becquerels per cubic meter were reported, high enough to cause reproductive and health effects in marine animals”

“Yet all the data we have show that measurements around the site remain elevated to this day at up to 1,000 becquerels per cubic meter.


Quote: “He hastened to put that number into context. “A thousand becquerels is not a big number for cesium. Just for comparison, that’s lower than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for drinking water.”

In the light of recent research the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cesium limit for drinking water, has been set far to high.

Also, in regards to Ocean dynamics this report does not take into account,

1. The potential 100,000 times or more bio-accumulation in sea food.

2. The fact that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has released and is still releasing, thousands of different types of radioactive isotopes, not just Cesium.

These reports generally only concentrate on the Cesium contamination, and conveniently leave out discussion on the other isotopic contaminants.


11.11.2013 – Groundwater level near the Fukushima plant building in sync with ebb and flow of the sea
10.11.2013 – All ? nuclide density increasing for 4 days in groundwater beside the tank, chart shows around 550,000 Bq/liter.

19.10. 2013 – Contamination level of plant drain spiked up 95 times much near the sea / Tepco “no spread to the sea.”


18.10.2013 – The Pacific Ocean is broken.


“We hardly saw any living things. We saw one whale, sort of rolling helplessly on the surface with what looked like a big tumour on its head. It was pretty sickening.”


This is heart wrenching.


18.10.2013 – Water radiation soars at Fukushima No. 1
“The level of becquerels, a record high for water in that well, was up 6,500-fold from the 61 becquerels found Wednesday.”
“It is believed some 400 tons of radioactive groundwater is flowing into the Pacific daily.”


18th October 2013 – Radiation level in drain jumped up by 15 times after the Typhoon.


The reading was 34,000,000 Bq/m3. It was 2,300,000 Bq/m3 on 10/16/2013.


18th October 2013 – All ? density of groundwater jumped up by 6557 times after the Typhoon / 400,000,000 Bq/m3 highest ever!


17th October 2013 – Tepco discharged 9 tank area dam water due to the Typhoon


16th October 2013 – Tepco’s toxic water failures pitiful: NRA


Despite such efforts, the levels of cesium-137 in seawater samples collected between the water intakes for reactors 1 and 2 inside the port rose to around 100 becquerels per liter this month from around 10 becquerels between late June and early July.

“It is reasonable to assume that the total amount of radioactive materials flowing into the sea has risen,” said Masaya Yasui, an emergency response official at the NRA secretariat.


15th October 2013 – The amount of water released from the notch tanks (2) is 40 tonnes so far, according to Jiji. Cesium-137 in the water was 21Bq/L, within the provisional standard at Fukushima I NPP of 25Bq/L.


If the density of cesium-137 is less than 25Bq/L, [the rainwater inside the dam] will be released.


10.10.2013 – Radiation levels in harbour off Fukushima hit two-year high.
They constantly promote the myth that these high level contamination Fukushima harbour detections are confined there, even though this harbour is directly connected to the Pacific Ocean.
10.10.2013 – ALPS and frozen water wall can be the performance before discharging contaminated water into the Pacific.
“A person inside of Japanese government said, “Everyone knows Japanese government will end up discharging the contaminated water into the sea.”
There has to be a worldwide effort to stop this from happening!
8th October 2013 – Fukushima’s Fish Tale
Something not tested for to date but mentioned by Straight.com is the risk from strontium 90 and plutonium in Pacific fish.
The fish most at risk for contamination were rarely if ever tested. This tactic gives a false sense of security and leaves the true risk factor unknown.
A citizen radiation watchdog group, BQwatcher posted these contamination readings.
Miyagi Full Season ? Genki blue uni Kesennuma 8.7 Bq / kg
Ibaraki 130 Bq / kg · Komonkasube 33, flounder, yellowtail flounder 11 7.7, rock trout, red sea bream 2.8 1.2 1.1 Shousaifugu
Ibaraki Kasumigaura 44 Bq / kg · Gengoroubuna 40-26-whitebait smelt 14 (river fish)
7th October 2013 – Scientists dismiss claims that radiation in Japan is contained.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s claim that radioactive water leaking into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant is confined to the coast doesn’t make scientific sense.
Each tank contains about 10 terabequerels, or 270 curies, of strontium-90.
Once strontium gets into fish, it stays in them for months and years and it’s going to be an additional reason why they won’t be able to open up their fisheries
07.10.2013 – Report raises fresh concerns about radiation levels in Japanese fish.
The Japanese Fisheries Agency has been testing the radiation in fish caught in its waters since March 2011. On average, fish in the 33,000 tests had 18 becquerels per kilo of radioactive cesium.
Some fish samples tested to date have had very high levels of radiation: one sea bass sample collected in July, for example, had 1,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium.
Recent research suggests 5 Bq/Kg should be the maximum for children, and preferably none. If they detect Cesium there are probably other radioactive Isotopes contaminants present, but not reported.
01.10.2013 – TEPCO submits criteria to the Nuclear Regulation Authority to dump radioactive contaminated rainwater into Pacific Ocean.

27.09.2013 – Reactor 5 & 6 pump up 6,000 tones of seawater per hour from Fukushima port to discharge to outside of the port.

19.09.2013 – Japan Meteorological Research Institute “60,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 and Sr-90 is leaking to the open ocean everyday.”


18.09.2013 – TEPCO has known about the massive groundwater intrusion and leaking at the site since at least May of 2011. The company chose to do nothing out of fear the high cost ($1 billion USD) would cause investment markets to consider the company “bankrupt”.


16.09.2013 – JP Gov “There is no technology to remove Tritium from contaminated water”/Appeal international world for technology.


Tritium density in the storage tanks at Fukushima is approx. 100,000,000,000 Bq/m3, half life 12.32 years. It combines with oxygen to form a liquid called tritiated water, T2O.


Hugh amounts of Tritiated water would have to be flowing into the Pacific Ocean as they can’t filter it out.


28.08.2013 – Radioactive water may contaminate entire Pacific Ocean in 6 years!


30.08.2013 – Ag-110m detected in 8 out of 8 crab samples 20km taken from Fukushima disaster site.


All talk and no action for over two years now, from authorities being asked to test Salmon, Herring, Tuna, and Halibut, for Fukushima radiation contamination, even after numerous reports of dramatic stock reductions, and disease.

25.08.2013 – Empire Editorial: Is Fukushima tainting one of Alaska’s most valuable resources? Calling for testing of seafood.


24.08.2013 – Highly Regarded Physician: The salmon migrate through radioactive plumes coming off Fukushima, then we catch them on Canada’s shores — Concerned about lack of testing — Officials “rely on Japan for test results”


21.08.2013 – Nikolaus Gantner, an ecotoxicologist affiliated with Trent University in Peterborough, Ont., said the challenge is to discover how much radiation is accumulating in migratory or long-lived fish, such as halibut, salmon and tuna.

“There are simply not enough measurements being done in water and biota on this side of the Pacific Ocean,” he said.


13.08.2013 – Disease killing Pacific herring threatens salmon, scientist warns.


12.08.2013 – Lake Babine sockeye fishery at risk of unprecedented closure. reports of Salmon fish stocks being drastically reduced from western Russia, Alaska to the Canadian west coast.


22.08.2013 – Tepco “30,000,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 and Sr-90 leaked to the Pacific” / 30,000,000,000 Bq still leaking per day!


21st August 2013 – West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation. “Last year, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan.”

16.08.2013 – 3,800 Bq/liter of tritium detected in Pacific sea water near the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site, one of the highest detection so far. Cesium 137 and 134 was also detected in significant amounts.

Huge amounts of highly contaminated water has been following into the Pacific Ocean for over 28 months now, and it does not look like stopping soon!
06.08.2013 – Japan’s nuclear body calls radioactive groundwater leakage at Fukushima ‘emergency’.
01.08.2013 – 950,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 from reactor2 seawater trench shaft.

01.08.2013 – 39,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 measured from reactor3 seawater trench shaft.

01.08.2013 – 5,800 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured in seawater “outside” of Fukushima nuclear plant port.
27.07.2013 – 750,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of all ? nuclides to include Sr-90 detected from seaside trench of reactor 2.

26.07.2013 – 2.35 Billion Bq/L of Cesium in trench in ground water that comes from Fukushima reactor 2 turbine building.

26.07.2013 – Fisheries station “Contaminated groundwater may well up a few Km offshore Fukushima.”

22.07.2013 – Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima, No. 1 Fisheries exec shocked by utility’s flip-flop on groundwater’s flow.

Shocked, really! Anyone who has taken any notice of what has been happening at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site from the very beginning, would not be shocked. It has flowed into the Pacific Ocean for 28 months now. They use the word leak, to play it down. Their estimate is 450 tons a day of ground water flowing into the Pacific Ocean. This is probably a very conservative estimate! It’s a flood, not a leak! Look at the multiple huge detection reports here, under the Pacific Ocean heading, for some enlightenment of what is truly happening.
20.07.2013 – Maritime Safety Agency, “Sr-90 and Cs-137 density in seawater became the highest in past 40 years”


19.07.2013 – 36,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 measured from retained water of reactor 2 trench / Tritium density under analysis.


15.07.2013 – 290,000,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium in the first analysis of the new boring hole 38 m from the Pacific Ocean.

13.07.2013 – Why Fukushima Daiichi leaks large amounts of Radioactive contamination into the Pacific Ocean.
13.07.2013 – Tritium levels rising, 630,000,000 Bq/m3 detected from the sample on 7/8/2013, and 600,000,000 Bq/m3 on the 7/5/2013. They also measured 4,400,000 Bq/m3 of beta radiation from this sample.


13.07.2013 – 92,000,000 Bq/m3 of beta emiting isotpes detected in new testing well 38 m from the Pacific Ocean.


12.07.2013 – 100,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-137 + 50,000,000,000 of Cs-134 for a total of 150,000,000,000 Bq/m3 detected from a test shaft water sample at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site. This water is leaking into the Pasicfic Ocean.


12.07.2013 – 1,200,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 was detected, in ground water situated on the east side of reactor 2.


12.07.2013 – An estimated 450 tons of highly contaminated ground water flows into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site every day, and has for over two year now.


12.07.2013 – Radioactive Fish, Pacific Ocean, Fukushima leaking badly.

08.07.2013 – Seawater contamination 17,000,000 Bq/m3 for all ? nuclides, and 850,000 Bq/m3 for Sr-90 detected.


05.07.2013 – Measured 900,000,000 Bq/m3 for all ?eta emitter radioactive Isotopes from groundwater, at Fukushima. This is going to end up in the Pacific Ocean.


28.06.2013 – Can’t stop Titium overflowing into the Pacific Ocean. Tritium detected from 11 locations in the sea, average 340,000 Bq/m3.


27.06.2013 – Tritium density in Pacific Ocean seawater has tripled in 2 weeks, near the Fulushima plant Japan.

Sample : Seawater

Sampling location : North of water intake of reactor 1 ~ 4

6/24/2013 : 1,500,000 Bq/m3

6/21/2013 : 1,100,000 Bq/m3

6/10/2013 : 500,000 Bq/m3


10.06.2013 – Study finds levels of Strontium up to 100x in parts of the Pacific Ocean in June 2011. These studies do not take into account long term bio-accumulation, or the constant releases from the Fukushima Nuclear plant since 2011.


30.05.2013 – Phytoplankton upsurge observed off Japan after 311, dragged fallout down to 7300m deep in the Pacific Ocean.

22.05.3013 – Researchers find high cesium in some Pacific plankton, already east of Hawaii?


21.05.2013 – Fukushima Cesium contamination of the Pacific Ocean could be much worse than surface detections indicate, because it is going deeper into the ocean.

24.01.2013 – Pacific Ocean Cesium levels stopped declining, and remained stuck at 10,000 times above pre-accident levels.
10.04.2012 – Kelp Pacific Ocean


15.03.2012 – Test results provided by the Japanese Meteorological Research Institute, of 137Cs and 134Cs activities in the North Pacific Ocean, from sampled sea water during the period from April – May 2011.


Romania (click the web browser refresh button to see the latest reports)
25.08.2011 – Rain water, Sheep and Goats Milk, Romania


20th September 2013 – Ban on Japanese fish remains in place due to Fukushima accident – oversight service. This decision is based on the monitoring, run by Russian services, and by international and foreign organizations.

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