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Origin of mystery meat not required on food label

We no longer have the right to know the origin of meat products that were once shown on food labels.

The point or place where the meat product began and grew up will be concealed.  The House voted with an overwhelming majority 300 to 131 not requiring meat products to show the meats country of origin. The House vote to remove country of origin labels on pork, beef and chicken sold in the United States. The U.S.  is trying to prevent conflict with Mexico and Canada regarding origin of labels from their countries. Just another luxury of being a big brother in NAFTA.

food label origin removed

The North American Free Trade Agreement pushes for the 3 nations to make the ease of goods throughout north america be more readily available to the population. Though this is not giving consumers a choice to know where the meat is from and is concerning to a great deal of Americans. Find out if your congressman voted for or against the label ban and let them know what you think!

Wheres the beef from? According to the 300 politicians who voted in favor of banning food origin labels on meat “that’s none of your business”..

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said after the vote that the last thing American farmers need “is for Congress to sit idly by as international bureaucrats seek to punish them through retaliatory trade policies that could devastate agriculture as well as other industries.”  Canada and mexico have threatened tariffs against US goods if food label origins are not removed. 

“The only way for the United States to avoid billions in retaliation by late summer is to ensure legislation repealing (country of origin labeling) passes the Senate and is signed by the president,” said Canadian Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Gerry Ritz.    Obama should grow a pair and tell them to F off or we will tariff your maple syrup ect.  Canada has a lot more customers to lose than the United States. 

Contrary to popular belief, I would feel more comfortable consuming a beef product from Mexico than from Canada.

Canada being higher up in the Northern Hemisphere, tends to take on a greater amount of fallout from Fukushima and the above ground weapons testing of nuclear missiles that were detonated in the atmosphere.

Some experts suggest that over 70% of the radioactive particles from those weapons tests are still circulating up in the northern hemisphere.  Looking at weather and wind maps a large bulk of the jet stream goes through Canada and British Colombia. The concern would be cattle that eat the fallout on the grass and bio accumulate radiation in the animals milk, fat and muscle tissue.

Many of the fast food producers add a meat filler that is treated with ammonia. Some wonder if this treated ammonia meat could increase the risk of cancer and other debilitating diseases. In some cases the filler added to meat was more than 75 % of the meat product.

Godiva origin of it’s milk is from cows that are grazing on grasses in northern Japan. Japan has passed a secrecy act regarding radiation concerns at the Fukushima nuclear waste site.  Will tainted meat from Japan also not be labeled with origin? Likely..Perhaps already..

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