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Structured Water Retains Memory Using Vortex

Structured Water Is Formed In A Vortex.  It Turns Out Water Can Store Memory.

You want to drink water that is properly structured. Water has shown to get proper structuring through using a vortex.  By using a tornado water becomes more uniform and releases toxins.  Mother nature uses hurricanes and tornadoes to clean the atmosphere. The air created by the vortex puts energy back into the water as well.  

Some People May Wonder Whats The Big Deal About Structuring Water?  

structured water

They say i have a water filter or a distiller why do i need structured water?   When you put tap water underneath microscope the water molecules look deformed.  This is basically dead water. It is a known fact that stagnant water becomes bad to drink. When you distill water the same thing it is pure water though by distilling is a violent process and the water molecules become shredded. In order to shape those water atoms properly you need movement.  The best movement is the vector of a vortex. Other good movements for water is a stream going down a mountain. Nature enthusiasts often speak of the best water they ever tasted is from mountain water.

When Water Is Properly Structured Inside The Human Body The Life Force Within The Individual Grows Exponentially.

Cell transfer of waste increases. Breathing becomes more effective. The structured water drinker has more clarity and energy.  Cancers slow down with increased oxygen throughout the body. Pains go away.  The body begins to heal itself.  Skin conditions clear up and the individual regenerates smoother skin.  Structured water slows down the aging process. By drinking structured water people who work out get more results with muscle mass and losing belly fat.  Everyone can feel better by drinking structured water!

How To Make Structured Water.

You could make structured water anywhere very simply just by using your spoon going in circles creating a vortex in your cup.  Water starts to structure after 20 seconds so you may need to do this for one minute.  A more effective way to make structured water is to use your blender. Most blenders create vortex so they work great.   Many people love shakes and the vortex created in a blender is part of the reason why blended drinks taste better.  Some people take it a step further and strategically place magnets around the perimeter of the blending device.  Increasing the efficiency of the water structures by using magnetism. Other people use Quartz and other gemstones or ormace formations to achieve a structurally balanced water.

Do It Yourself Vortex Creator Using Two Liter Bottles.

You could take 2 two litter bottles, fill one to top with filtered water. Tape the two bottles together at the spouts.  Optional take 2 magnets put one positive on the spout and on the opposite side of spout put negative side of the magnet so the magnets attract as the water passes through the thin spout of the bottle to create the vortex increasing the spins energy.  I have seen online special duel caps you can buy if you don’t want to use tape.  Probably would be ideal if you would want to do this daily. I would preferably would also use Glass as its closer to crystal and wont leak chemicals like plastics would. 

Not so fun fact nuclear power plants destroy water structures hundreds of miles away.  Even if radiation is removed from the water you need to restructure the water for proper balance. 

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