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Cinnamon Essential Oil Has A Very Warm Sweet Empowering Scent.

I’m pleasantly surprised at how inviting cinnamon essential oil is. Cinnamon is an important foods for diabetics cinnamon’s essential oil has the ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. Cinnamon essential oil also makes a great alternative to sugar and will help with weight loss.   Put a few drops of cinnamon essential oil into a warm bath will help numb sore muscles and heal skin conditions.  Cinnamon essential oil is Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antidepressant, Anti-fungal, helps stop the spread of infection, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-oxidant Anti parasitic,  Antiseptic, arthritis, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, heavy menstrual blood flow, yeast infections , Antispasmodic,  Astringent, Enhances other oils, Immune system Stimulant, Purifier, Stimulating aphrodisiac, Warming sensation. The opposite properties of Peppermint. 

I do not recommend to apply pure uncut cinnamon essential oil to skin you should dilute the cinnamon essential oil 4 to 1 using a carrier oil like olive or apricot or almond. Cinnamon essential oil boosts brain activity diffuse in air while studying and before test. Use Cinnamon essential oil to help with traumatic memories and improve blood flow in the brain.  Elderly may find use in cinnamon’s ability to retain memories. Increases cognitive function and attention span. Use cinnamon essential oil to purify the blood and clear skin of acne. Cinnamon helps the blood carry more oxygen through out the body while reducing pain and aches. Cinnamon essential oil can lower the risk of heart attack.  

Cinnamon essential oil benefits

Some uses for cinnamon oil 

Use cinnamon oil to improve circulation.  Cinnamon can help symptoms of the common cold.  Cinnamon can improve upset stomach and indigestion. Cinnamon has shown the ability to increase energy levels. Use cinnamon to reduce inflammation and high blood pressure. Cinnamon oil can improve skin conditions like warts, acne and scars.  Use cinnamon to clean skin of virus and bacteria. Cinnamon is one of the great anti-fungal oils to keep mold away and stop jock itch and athletes foot.  Dilute cinnamon oil and Rub into feet will go into blood stream within 30 seconds. Use cinnamon oil to help control infections.   Cinnamon oil can help improve respiratory conditions. Diffuse in a vaporizer.  Use cinnamon oil to keep bugs away like ants apply to entrance areas and apply cinnamon oil to stings and bites. Keep mosquitoes and mites away with cinnamon oil. Apply diluted cinnamon to dog to protect from critters.  Increased cinnamon intake can help with ulcers and prevent heart disease while prevent the growth of some cancers.  Cinnamon oil also used to help people naturally rehabilitate drug addictions and offset the effects of depression. Cinnamon’s uplifting scent is said to attract wealth and increase positive thoughts and creativity.

In the book of Exodus Moses used Cinnamon oil as part of the Holy Anointing Oil of Moses. Cinnamon is one of the main ingredients used in the treasured thieves oil blend used to prevent people from getting sick with bubonic plague during the dark ages.  People that tended to the tedious task of burying the dead stayed immune while grave robbers also would protect themselves applying the cinnamon infused thieves oil. Cinnamon is high in essential mineral content such as iron, magnesium  and calcium, cinnamon also rich in fiber. No Coincidence that cinnamon is used in oatmeal to make the perfect breakfast food. Cinnamon also helps stimulate breast milk production.  

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