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Cure Tooth Pain Tips And Bleeding Gums Remedy

Here are many remedies for tooth aches, pain and bleeding gums. These tooth and gum cures are in no particular order. Everybody is different and you may need to try several potential cures to find out what works best for your mouth.

a picture of salt tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums cure

Salt can be your best friend if you have tooth pain and bleeding gums. Or if you feel a cold coming on. Gargle salt for 1 minute.  Salt can dry up the infection and promote healing of gums.

a picture of cloves tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums cure

Cloves can also take away the pain and is a powerful antioxidant. Add a little clove oil to your tooth paste or make a mouthwash out of clove oil.  Research has shown teeth health is related to overall body function. If you have plaque build up on your teeth it possible plaque could be building up in your arteries as well.

a picture of white oak powder tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums cure

If you have bleeding gums or deep cavities heck maybe you even need a root canal you can stop the infection bleeding or inflammation by using some white oak powder.  It is called the 5 dollar remedy that dentists do not want you to know about.  Add a quarter teaspoon of white oak powder and swish around your mouth for several minutes. I found some like this on ebay.

a picture of cinnamon powder tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums

Order Cinnamon essential oil is anti-inflammatory and has many healing properties many people have had good results using cinnamon as a mouth wash and adding to toothpaste.

Turmeric Works Awesome For Brushing Your Teeth.  Don’t Worry Wont Turn Your Teeth Yellow.  Helps Heal The Gums. Turmeric Is One Of Those Super Healing Foods Helping With Over 70 Ailments. 

It is obvious though important to avoid sugary foods if you must have some sweet in your life honey would be the best option as it is anti bacterial in nature.  Some people have reported chewing gum helps with tooth pain as the saliva gets built up and keeps the pain from setting in.

Avoid chewing on ice cubes! Ice can actually be harder than teeth at times and cause a tooth to break and depending on the type of break your tooth maybe non repairable.

picture of organic green tea bigelow for tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums

Green tea bag tea is good for many reasons i would drink lots of green  hot tea and swish around the mouth.  Then wherever you are having pain in the  mouth you can put the tea bag on the tooth or gum that is bothering you this can take away the pain and reduce the swelling.

picture of hydrogen peroxide for tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums

Hydrogen peroxide 2 % go half and half with some water and swish around the mouth.  This will help remove the infection and plaque.  I recommend using the 2 % don’t want to overdo it though the hydrogen peroxide can keep your mouth healthy.  Makes an excellent mouthwash.

picture of garlic for tooth ache remedy for pain remedies bleeding gums

A crushed garlic clove place inside mouth where the tooth or gums hurt this will take away the pain in a few minutes will feel a burning sensation  for a couple of minutes yet feel completely better.  I heard an effective way is to take raw garlic and squeeze it to get the juice out then take a small gauze and add the fresh garlic juice to the gauze and place in the mouth where the pain is. May burn like hell at first but i heard this really gets the pain to go away.

Cayenne pepper for tooth aches and pain bleeding gums remedy cure sore teeth

Cayenne pepper on a q tip apply to both sides of tooth and gum for 10 minutes then repeat again in another hour.  Some people have reported this to take away most of the pain.

Sensodyne toothpaste for tooth aches and pain bleeding gums remedy cure sore teeth

Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive mouths.  Might be time to make a switch to this toothpaste until you have found relief from the tooth pain.

Goldenseal powder i bought the caps and broke them to get the gold powder. Golden seal is known to clean out the body and to reduce infections.  I would swish this around my mouth and noticed this helped with the pain and reduce swelling.


Hot air some people have felt tooth ache relief with a blow dryer don’t burn yourself 

Tooth Extraction ultimately the tooth may have to be removed tooth extraction can hurt a bit i think the needle hurts a bit more than the extraction though well worth it hopefully these tips will provide you enough relief to make it to the dentist.

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