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Radiation Mitigation Treatment Survivor Strategy Prepping 311

Radiation side effects

You definitely want to be drinking filtered water, reverse osmosis would be a good start  and using minerals and supplements and herbal tinctures Potassium Iodine,  Zeolite, Cilantro, Mushroom grown indoors due to ability of the mushrooms to absorb radioactive particles get them grown inside under controlled conditions.  If you have some extra space growing your own indoor garden would help sustain during any potential tough times during food shortages of uncontaminated food. Vitamin E, Selenium, Melatonin,  Vitamin C with bioflavioids, B complex, Calcium & Magnesium, chlorophyll, and cilantro.  Boron.  Build a greenhouse!

Big Fire Last Night At ?#?Fukushima? ?#?Nuclear? Plant Unit 4.  Where They Carry Mox Fuel Was Probably Released Into The Air. Things Got Out Of Control And It Looked Like A Major Release Took Place. It Takes 3 Days For The Winds Of Japan To Reach The West Coast. It Would Be Good To Stay In For A Few Days On The West Coast. Add An Extra Day For Each Time Zone For Arrival Of Radioactive Wind. Here Is Confirmation 700 Workers Abandoned The Plant Only 50 Left To Deal With The Crisis.  Start Making Preparations.  

Prepare your family with these items to protect yourself from release of Fukushima radiation: Heppa air filters, Water filter systems, Potassium iodine, mushrooms to pull out toxic metals, do not use produce or protein from west coast of America or Asia.  Selenium, Melatonin.  Do not wear shoes indoors. Stay out of the rain! If you are exposed to rain take shower immediately with baking soda. 

1,2,3 Year Anniversary of Fukushima: The Accident Is NOT Contained.

Fukushima on the verge of sinking into the ocean!

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen said today that the containment vessel at Fukushima reactor 2 has a large crack in it. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 all exploded. BBC reports today:

Fukushima Daichi power plant is built with a total of 6 reactors.  It’s amazing how many structural errors were made to approve the close proximity of the reactors and to have the cooling generators located in basements on the lowest points of Fukushima was blindly irresponsible. 
“They know very little about what’s going on inside Reactors 1, 2, and 3 […] They don’t really know what the state of the reactor core is.” Not even the robots can survive the radiation inside and could not come back!  The nuclear facility is getting so muddy with the pouring of water and mixing with the ocean an the coreium melted cores. 

 Large quantities of radiation are still leaking into the Pacific Ocean. 20 million tons of radioactive junk is floating in the pacific

The operator of the Fukushima plants says it’s “impossible” to keep storing radioactive water in tanks, and Tepco will need to intentionally dump it into the ocean.

See more new videos about the battle to contain Fukushima here

radioactive waste playground

From my understanding with the coriums hitting ground water and the spent fuel would be releasing plutonium, strontium, uranium forming bucky balls when mixed with seawater under high temperature. I don’t think you can compare an air flight or granite to any potential internal exposure of plutonium, strontium. Also 3 melted cores hitting water it is conceivable to think that 400 tons of water per day entering the pacific is a low ball estimate. 

Secrecy agreement between Fukushima and IAEA revealed by Tokyo newspaper — “IAEA has a history…enenews.comTokyo Shimbun, December 31, 2013, with translation by Fukushima Voice (version 2e), published Jan. 6, 2014: It was discovered that the memorandum of cooperation between the IAEA and Fukushima as well as Fukui Prefectures contain a confidentiality clause […] Pretty sad these Dr’s know its radiation and they have to lie and tell patient an incorrect diagnosis. Then these people go get second opinions and feel betrayed or worse don’t get second opinions..71 U.S. Sailors Who Responded to Fukushima Have Cancer, Radiation SicknessEcoWatch is reporting that 71 U.S. Navy sailors, many only in their 20s, who responded to the Fukushima earthquake and disaster at TEPCO’s Daiichi nuclear power plant have come down with radiation illnesses Navy would not let the sailors of the ship until they waved rights to sue the Navy..When the plume went over the ship the sailors noticed watches all stopped at 1st they were laughing like WTF? Then they realized the metal smell and knew something was really wrong..

Fukushima clouds

I think i am going to eat fish for the last time from the Atlantic. In a few years Fukushima will be there too. What the world needs to do is get as many of these animals out of the ocean as possible and create Noah arks for them to live and keep the gene pools enough for them to live on. If we can ever get the oceans cleaned again.. Indoor produce and fish farms would be a great business !! Anybody wanna be a partner?HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM RADIATIONProtect your thyroid with potassium iodine you would protect your body from plutonium with iron. Leukemia sounds like its a good chance strontium went inside the bones as strontium mimics calcium. You want to be taking your own calcium and magnesium supplements to lower that risk..Dairy is just not safe sad to say the cows eat the fallout on the grass. Unless the cows were fed Boron which Hawaiians are now doing. Interesting the nuclear industry use Boron to keep chain reactions from stopping so in theory this may help even if one of these radioactive particles gets lodged. I take boron and have noticed it flushes out your system.. After Chernobyl the Russians used apple pectin to bind to harmful metals and pull radiation out the system. I highly recommend that taste great in shakes.Sellafield is a nuclear reprocessing site, close to the village of Seascale i heard it could still be leaking..How far that is from you? Dr’s in Japan are under the state secrecy law and currently misdiagnosing patients in Fukushima. They have to go get second opinions to find out the truth. I live 20 miles away from one called turkey point. Seems like most of these plants are allowed to do controlled releases and then theirs the uncontrollable releases.Heard they won’t release results of next tests till after 2016 these were June of 2011 results conspiracy theorist after election!! * Uranium-234 — 3.854 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Uranium-234 — 5.312 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Uranium-234 — 3.466 Ci/kg Gull egg
* Uranium-234 — 4.96 pCi/kg Chiton
* Uranium-234 — 9.344 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Uranium-234 — 7.885 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Uranium-234 — 4.906 pCi/kg Greenling
* Uranium-234 — 2.304 pCi/kg Halibut
* Uranium-234 — 58.721 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Uranium-234 — 8.86 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Uranium-234 — 7.127 pCi/kg Octopus
* Uranium-234 — 4.976 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Uranium-234 — 4.644 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Uranium-234 — 3.032 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Uranium-234 — 3.906 pCi/kg Sea Urchin* Plutonium-239 — .039 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Plutonium-239 — .186 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Plutonium-239 — .104 pCi/kg Gull egg
* Plutonium-239 — .298 pCi/kg Chiton
* Plutonium-239 — .093 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Plutonium-239 — .084 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Plutonium-239 — .379 pCi/kg Greeling
* Plutonium-239 — .038 pCi/kg Halibut
* Plutonium-239 — 4.194 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Plutonium-239 — .378 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Plutonium-239 — .036 pCi/kg Octopus
* Plutonium-239 — .05 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Plutonium-239 — .279 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Plutonium-239 — .152 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Plutonium-239 — .195 pCi/kg Sea Urchin
* Plutonium-240 — .039 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Plutonium-240 — .106 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Plutonium-240 — .069 pCi/kg Gull egg
* Plutonium-240 — .149 pCi/kg Chiton
* Plutonium-240 — .037 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Plutonium-240 — .02 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Plutonium-240 — .189 pCi/kg Greeling
* Plutonium-240 — .012 pCi/kg Halibut
* Plutonium-240 — 2.097 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Plutonium-240 — .189 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Plutonium-240 — .021 pCi/kg Octopus
* Plutonium-240 — .015 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Plutonium-240 — .139 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Plutonium-240 — .091 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Plutonium-240 — .117 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

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