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TBHQ List Of Products Petroleum Foods Are Toxic

What is TBHQ ?

TBHQ is similar to butane a lighter fluid! TBHQ is a fuel additive added to your food.  Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone A byproduct of petroleum a food preservative frequently added to products to preserve food on the cheap. You can find TBHQ in McDonald’s chicken Mcnuggets.  TBHQ is commonly sprayed onto fast food cartons. You can also find TBHQ in many of the great value foods that Walmart carries. The food and drug administration says it is OK for TBHQ to contain no more than .02 % of the oil in a food. Of course the F.D.A. has the American peoples health interest as #1 priority. (sarcasm)


TBHQ warning tbhq side effects tbhq toxic

It is believed TBHQ can cause A.D.D. attention deficit disorder. No wonder the United States is ranked 28th in the world in test scores! TBHQ fed to rats over time has shown to cause cancer and DNA damage.  Eating up to a gram of TBHQ may cause a toxic reaction like nausea vomiting and suffocation , eating more than 5 grams could cause death. Doing the math that would be around 1200 chicken nuggets which likely would not be done in a few years by most people though anyone who consumes that amount of chicken nuggets over time likely will have some lingering health issues.   Mcdonalds European chicken nugget version does not contain TBHQ. Some people have reported having anxiety and night terrors and asthma after ingesting TBHQ. Others have reported having a body rash and swollen lymph nodes after consuming TBHQ.  Another symptom of TBHQ is diarrhea and irritable bowl syndrome. Makes sense that a gas by-product well would give you gas. Some people have reported anaphylactic shock after ingesting TBHQ along with other serious allergies. 

 Need to read the ingredient list!

TBHQ chemical compound synthetic preservative added to food to keep freshness

Be careful shopping at Walmart or any other major retailer for that matter! Best word of advice is read the ingredients list. If you don’t know what that ingredient means don’t eat it. Like the Gordons frozen fish meals also in many other fish stick brands.  This really sucks as i have a baby at home who is a finicky eater! Without realizing i had bought the fish sticks and i noticed my son liked to eat them so i inspected the ingredients and there it was TBHQ to preserve freshness.  So the lesson i learned is to check the ingredients before buying.  It is a crazy thought to think these fish sticks were essentially soaked in gasoline.  Better of buying some fresh or frozen fish and breading them yourself.

TBHQ gives you gas side effects of tbhq
preserve food with petroleum butane TBHQ product list

I wonder about the food and drug administration how they allow products like these to be created is a travesty to humanity.  It is no wonder that conspiracy theorist point to branches of government like this and wonder if they are perpetual creating situations that promote mass consumerism of health problems, Dr. visits and even more dreaded medications.  All for the sake of a cheap price for big business.  Well I’m here to tell you folks that no matter the great price is not a great value if it is poisoning you slowly.

Products that contain TBHQ “tert-Butylhydroquinone”

  • Mcdonalds chicken nuggets and french fries have TBHQ.
  • Red Robin fast food chain also uses tert-Butylhydroquinone in cooking oil.
  • CHEEZ-IT Crackers made by Kelloggs have petroleum products.
  • Butterfinger chocolate and Resee’s Peanut butter cups has tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Nestle Crunch has tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Wheat Thins contain petroleum.
  • Many brands of Microwave popcorn have Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Pam cooking spray has petroleum by products.
  • Aldi products have Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Keebler Club crackers contain petroleum by products.
  • Kellogs eggo frozen waffles and many other kellogg products.
  • Taco bell beans and some taco shells have Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Teddy Grahams uses petroleum in products.
  • Red Barron frozen pizza has Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Keebler Cookies has petroleum bi products.
  • TastyKake has Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Little Debbie uses petroleum products.
  • Kellog’s Pop-Tarts – Keebler has Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Girl scout cookies contain petroleum by products? Not all of them so better off checking before buying.
  • Homestyle Peanut butter cookies has Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Some forms of soymilk have petroleum by products.
  • Different breads cereals and crackers could contain Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Crisco oil contains petroleum by products.  
  • Also many restaurants use Tert-Butylhydroquinone when they deep fry. Check the oil ingredients before buying it.
  • Some pet foods have petroleum by products in them.
  • Many cosmetic products and baby products have Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Lacquers, resins and varnish contain petroleum by products your baby crib that your baby maybe putting his mouth on could contain Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Some hair dyes lipsticks and eyeshadows contain Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Some peanut butter products contain petroleum by products.
  • Olive Garden croutons have Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Maruchan soup and Ramon noodles have petroleum by products.
  • Wrigley’s gum has Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • Little Debbies nutty bars and some M&M products have Tert-Butylhydroquinone.
  • KFC beans and fried chicken contain petroleum by products.

Other petroleum by products in food to avoid is BHA and BHT

Seen any other products that contain TBHQ? Tell us about it below in discussion. Also if any of these companies do not use petroleum by products let us know for removal.

What Else Is Happening

  • TiyhI just want to know what should I eat? If one knows what to eat . One can follow a regimen. Also it has to be affordable, or there’s no point in reading this.
    •  Food ChainYou want to eat organic food free of genetically modified ingredients. Get your produce from local farmers. Almost all fast food is GMO except Chiptole. Avoid seafood from the pacific or the gulf of mexico or the Mediterranean. Build a greenhouse and filter the water for your vegetables. .
    • concernedmommy2buy meat from a local market or locker if possible. buy fresh fruits and vegetables and wash them. check labels, if you see an ingredient you dont recognize google it. if you are really concerned, try making your own bread and pasta and crackers. you can make homemade salad dressings. there are alot of recipes out there. but when buying convenience foods the label is your friend
  • Megan DavidsonOrville Redenbacher’s microwave popcorn has TBHQ in it. That’s what brought me to this article!
  • AvaTownhouse Oven Baked Pita Crackers has TBHQ in it….
  • rosalynn rGhirardelli chocolate squares have it
  • lolcherry pop tarts have it and I’m sure
    other flavors
  • concernedmomy2i absolutely do not like the idea of tbhq being anywhere near food, that being said, i have done alot of reading on tbhq, and it is not actually butane, it is a compound that contains a butyl group, which is also naturally occuring in butter. i do not believe that that makes it safe however. the fda says that it is safe in small amounts. to reach a lethal dose of tbhq from eating mcnuggets a person would have to consume 312 nuggets in one meal. im not sure how many nuggets you would need to eat in order to get nauseous or dizzy or have ringing in the ears, and quite frankly i dont want to find out. i will say that i know from experience that about 1 cup of cheezit crackers was enough to make me feel light headed and give me some serious heartburn on more than one occasion. thats actually what got me to look into tbhq was that after eating these crackers and experiencing the same symptoms on several occasions i decided to check the label. tbhq was the only one on the ingredient list that i hadnt seen before on any of the other food in my home. there is alot of controversy surrounding this additive. while i deffinitely am against it being used in food, i would like it if people would do some serious research on it before just spouting off on it. it is not butane. to say that just makes you sound dumb and people who know better and have an agenda to push will use it against you. so just stick with the facts. certainly i think that anything toxic should not be in food. my advice to those who dont know what to eat due to all the food additives, buy fresh meat from a local market, or locker, or direct from farmer if possible, buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and remember to wash them before you eat them, check labels, if you are extremely concerned you can make your own bread and crackers. Cheese nips made by nabisco do not contain tbhq and i have had to adverse affect to those. i would say it is something that should be further investigated and more research done on it. i dont think there is near enough info available. some say its horrible and some say its wonderful bc its an antioxidant and prevents spoiling. i would read the good and the bad.
  • The voice of reasonPam cooking spray, no surprise it’s on the list. Ever notice that fishy taste to your baked goods when the can starts getting low? That’s the butane propellants. The simple solution? Use plain-’ol fashioned butter. What?! Butter is bad, right? It’s natural though. Your body knows what to do with it.
    What would you rather have: a few extra calories, or some cancer mixed with potential mental disorders?
    • ShanaYour so right! Butter is actually Good for you though! Its a SUPER FOOD! Listen to dead doctors dont lie by Dr. Joe Wallach on you tube or google him. Butter makes you lose weight. And it has vitamin a,d,k and all 3 fatty acids. We only use amish homemade butter with no preservatives.
      • jesseyea I know my grandpa founded a health magazine called Alive and said butter was much better for you that that margarine crap. Cannot believe people still think margarine is better for you. I use butter to cook most of my foods and eat 3 eggs a day. I have no health issues people need to learn whats good for you and not just listen to crap on tv.
  • lAlso McDonalds french fries have TBHQ… it says so on care2.com. I never knew that so many companies want to kill us… D:
  • carolspelling error for article on TBHQ — “….retailer for that matter! Best word of advise is read the ingredients list….” the spelling should be ADVICE – not advise
  • CamiI’ve been eating and loving McDonald’s french fries since I was a kid, but no more! And to think that TBHQ is not only IN its fries, but is also sprayed on the cartons too?! Now that’s just too much!! Buh-bye McDonald’s!!
  • TrudyI’m curious after reading a pop tart label whether or not some or all Palm oils contains TBHQ and if there is another word to look for on labels that is not as obvious to the consumer like partially hydrogenated oils/ transfats. Pop tart Labels read palm oil (with TBHQ for freshness) while pepperidge farm cookies list no preservatives but comment vegtable oil (palm). If I choose to avoid TBHQ while pregnant can I assume Pepperidge farm products are a good choice for junk food in moderation.
  • PhantomOfThaWorldReeses Peanut Butter Cups has TBHQ in them
  • Head ache no moreOmg. I just discovered the cause of my agonizing migraines, TBHQ! It’s the only correlation I could come up with. I get them the day after eating Act II microwave popcorn. I have been suffering and taking crazily prescriptions that don’t work. I just need to stop eating this terrible stuff. I am going to stop feeding it to my children. My youngest eats a bag of popcorn 3 nights a week at least. He has a runny nose and diarrhea all the time and struggles with ADHD. I have to read all the labels now. They need to get rid of this crap. How can it be allowed in food.
    • http://miami-water.com/ Food ChainYeah be good to quit the popcorn. It’s a quadruple whammy of bad ingredients. Tbhq, genetically modified corn, Monsanto pesticide glysophate, plus pop corn gets lodged in the digestive tract so your body wont digest this properly and those bad ingredients stick around a lot longer doing more damage. Whenever I eat popcorn I feel pain on my left side of stomach the day after.

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