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Toilet Trouble How To Stay Clean In A Public Bathroom

When You Step Into A Public Bathroom You Could Literally Be Walking Into A War Zone Of Bacteria, Feces, Disease. Get Prepared For Anything!



Baby wipes are good to Carry around.  You don’t know what the condition the toilet paper is in or if they even have any!  Besides you feel allot cleaner with baby wipes!  

God forbid the toilet seat could have poop or pee on it. You may need the baby wipe to prep the toilet. Avoid touching anything with your hands. I suggest using your feet to lift toilet seats and open doors.

Door knobs usually are touched by people who don’t wash hands. Some people are lazy and pee right on the toilet seat. Don’t be a douche bag use your foot. That’s less hassle and disgusting cleanup for the rest of us. The wipes are also handy for faucet knobs soap dispensers.

It is best to do an inspection first before committing yourself to that bathroom if u see there is no paper supplies like toilet paper and paper towels.  If you can’t hold it then your screwed.   Triple up on the toilet paper on the toilet seat after wiping down with soap and water.  

toilet trouble

Flushing toilet paper or worse paper towels can lead to flooding of crappy sewage all over the floor.  If you see this scenario run far away you don’t want to be tracking sewage on your shoes which can be deposited inside your car and tracked back into your own home. 

Even your own bathroom can become a toilet war zone nightmare here is Julian’s difficult experience with her toilet dilemma.Juliana Rocha

Me and toilets don’t get along. We don’t go hand-in-hand. And we’re not moving on up like The Jefferson’s! Motherfudger. I don’t have luck with toilets! Second toilet that has given me MAJOR shitty problems! And when I say major shitty problems,  I mean major! Flush flush the water goes higher and higher. Quick grab a cup to dump the “shitty” water in the bathtub literally!

Dumping, dumping flush more water. Finally I ask my dad for a plumber hoping he doesn’t walk in the bathroom to see the shitty mess i created. I run back to the bathroom lock the door and more dumping water in the bathtub. After water has risen down to a reasonable level plumb away! Then transfer all the water back to the toilet because now the bathtub is plugged! Man i got my workout for the day! I need a vacation now.

Wow that’s a rough story Juliana now you have your hands full cleaning up the tub. Might need to use a snake on the drains to  poke through hair or other debris and allow easier flow of the drain. 

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