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Peppermint oil Benefits

Peppermint oil Origin India Supreme  I have tried many different peppermint oils and by far the supreme is the best smelling Peppermint and i like using this “supreme” peppermint essential oil internally as a quick breath freshener.  The supreme peppermint oil origin is from India.  Before Fukushima meltdown i would buy the Continue Reading

Cinnamon Essential Oil Has A Very Warm Sweet Empowering Scent.

I’m pleasantly surprised at how inviting cinnamon essential oil is. Cinnamon is an important foods for diabetics cinnamon’s essential oil has the ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. Cinnamon essential oil also makes a great alternative to sugar and will help with weight loss.   Put a few drops of cinnamon essential oil into a warm bath will help Continue Reading

Cedarwood Essential Oil Juniperus ashei

100 % pure Cedarwood Essential Oil Juniperus ashei  Botanical Name: Juniperus ashei  Steam Distilled Wood Extraction Method:  Origin: Canada Colors> Colorless to pale yellow liquid Uses and  applications: Cedarwood Texas Essential Oil is thought to help with these conditions: arthritis, bronchitis, acne,  psoriasis, catarrh, circulatory issues, congestion,  coughing, cysts, eczema, greasy hair,  dandruff, oily skin, psoriasis, sinus Continue Reading

Moving Water Pics Florida Beach Ocean Gif

Water the essence of life. Without water Earth would be a dry barren desolate place.   Without water the human body could not exist.  The Human body consists of 80 % water.  We depend on clean water to bathe our bodies to drink fresh purified water.  Water Keeps us hydrated allows us Continue Reading

Flu Like Symptoms Confused With Radiation Sickness

Flu Like Symptoms Or Radiation Sickness? Probably Both!   Jet stream going clear up to the arctic. With all that cloud seeding deflecting winds off the west coast. About 20 % of fuku winds breaking through stream. Many with radiation sickness. Also  flu like symptoms. Viruses and bacteria are also mutating at a higher level. Continue Reading

Nutritious Shake Recipe Lose Weight Smoothie Taste Great

Nutritious shake recipe to Lose weight. Smoothie tastes great Losing weight has been on the top of my to do list since making “New Year” resolutions! I am happy to report back to you that after 2 months of making healthy shakes at home and walking, I have lost 12 pounds Continue Reading

Structured Water Retains Memory Using Vortex

Structured Water Is Formed In A Vortex.  It Turns Out Water Can Store Memory. You want to drink water that is properly structured. Water has shown to get proper structuring through using a vortex.  By using a tornado water becomes more uniform and releases toxins.  Mother nature uses hurricanes and tornadoes Continue Reading

Melaleuca & Restore Water Flow Florida Bridge In Everglades

Water is the life force in the Everglades.  Too much water will take away vital nesting areas and food supply’s. Too little water will change the vegetation as native plants and animals lose their foot hold to invasive species like the Melaleuca.  The restoration of water to the southern Everglades is a daunting undertaking.  The strategy Continue Reading

What Miami Water Tests Found In Dade Tap Water

Over 40 containment’s were found in Miami Dade tap water significantly higher than the national city average.  Sources of the pollutants vary from farm runoff of pesticides, fertilizers and Cyanide to industrial chemicals like uranium and arsenic. The Cyanide levels are disturbing as the national average was between 1-3 (ppb) Miami had 80 (ppb) Over 40 Continue Reading