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Grow, Wash, Soak Juice Fruits And Vegetables With Filtered Water And Vinegar.

Increased Radiation leading to more indoor farming controlling conditions with filtered water and clean soil. I learned the importance of soaking fruits and vegetables from my friends father who professed at FIU here in Miami.  One day i was over his house and i observed in his kitchen some mangoes that were sitting in Continue Reading

27 Reasons Why Eating At Restaurants Is A Bad Idea

Profit is a major factor in deciding what goes onto your plate. Obviously many restaurants will take shortcuts in quality to generate more money. Almost all restaurants do not even filter water used to make pasta or cook rice. Ideally reverse osmosis water or distilled is the safest and you will be hard pressed Continue Reading

IncareRX Buys Discount Cards For Members To Grow Faster

IncareRX pays $1.20 per prescription and $1.20 is also paid on refills. Make 20% or more on medical supplies and equipment. Make 15% on what your team produces.  JOIN FOR FREE HERECheck’s are mailed out monthly calculating your efforts and your teams progress.  Receive a bi weekly report showing where the discount cards Continue Reading

Can You Eat Raw Kale? Super Food Benefits Chips Recipes

Yes you can eat uncooked Kale.  Kale is the perfect super food! I actually prefer to eat raw kale mixed in a salad.  Some might find the texture of kale to be  little too fibrous uncooked. One tip is to use the outside parts of the leafs of the kale and not using the stem.  For me the texture of kale is great and i Continue Reading

Clove bud essential oil

Clove bud essential oil well known for its high antioxidant content and pain relief Therapy use antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, antifungal, antiparasitic, stimulant, anti-tumor commonly used with toothaches. Cloves bud essential oil helps sore muscles and the circulatory system, digestion, urinary tract, immune system, brain function.  Improves memory retention.  Relieve physical or mental stress.  Cloves Bud Continue Reading

Radiation Mitigation Treatment Survivor Strategy Prepping 311

You definitely want to be drinking filtered water, reverse osmosis would be a good start  and using minerals and supplements and herbal tinctures Potassium Iodine,  Zeolite, Cilantro, Mushroom grown indoors due to ability of the mushrooms to absorb radioactive particles get them grown inside under controlled conditions.  If you have Continue Reading

Independent Radiation Food Test Reports Worldwide USA Pacific Asia Europe

Why test food for radioactive contamination? Because governments have deceived the public about food safety radiation levels worldwide. They first release an article like the one below. I am using the EU as an example here. “EU boosts food import controls after Japanese nuclear disaster. The European Union is to Continue Reading

Cascadian Farms Organic Food A Health Risk? Manhatten Project

Cascadian farms Is Located In Washington State. Which Is Considered The Most Radioactive State In America.  Cascadian Farms is a popular organic product you can find in most the big grocery stores like Publix, Windixi, Walmart.  I’ve been buying Cascadian farms product for years! Unbeknownst to the toxic radioactivity that could be lurking in Continue Reading

Which Butter Is Best For Health? Not Smart Balance!

It can be a challenge to select the right butter for your needs.  I know some people are allergic to milk and have to avoid casein.  If you are allergic to milk I Recommend “Ghee” which is an Indian favorite! The Casein is taken out of the Ghee and still has the rich real butter flavor. You can also go Continue Reading

Options to Chlorine In Pools How to Protect Skin When Swimming.

Chlorine is used to sterilize water.  Over 95% of pools in the United States use Chlorine.  Chlorine is an effective germicidal killer! Chlorine can also neutralize viruses and bacteria. Chlorine can be toxic to animals including the human species if the dose is high enough. Chlorine can do harmful damage to the lungs, skin and other major organs of the human body.  Some people swim every day and Continue Reading